AWS Multi-Account, Multi-Region Networking with Terraform

Learn how to manage multiple AWS accounts with resources spread across multiple regions in a simple, cost-effective way using Terraform.

Rhonda O'Connor
May 13, 2020

Omaha DevOps Meetup Event

Eric Gerling of Trility Consulting spoke at the Omaha DevOps Meetup to share how to manage multiple AWS accounts with resources spread across multiple regions in a simple, cost-effective way. Required attributes included Infrastructure as Code (HashiCorp’s Terraform), single source of truth for AWS accounts, rapid deployment of new regions, and VPN access with access to dynamically created VPCs in multiple regions.

If you view the video on YouTube, the description includes a timeline of the event to jump to the areas of most value to you.

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“You can expect variety with the type of work Trility’s clients are pursuing. We aren’t an X shop, we are a ‘get the job done’ shop, which means you’ll have lots of different opportunities to solve challenging problems with various methods.”
– Eric Gerling / Senior Cloud Engineer