AI & Data

Data Discovery & Strategic Roadmap

Trility led a discovery project to develop a strategic roadmap for a senior living community. This engagement helped the client gain a broader understanding of the data challenges and provided an actionable path forward to leverage meaningful data company-wide.

Problem Statement

This client desired the ability to take control of its data, secure it, and make it meaningful to everyone at the same time, in the same way.

Solution Approach

To build a roadmap with prioritized and actionable objectives, the Trility team set out to identify who needs what data, in what forms, and in what dynamic state. The team also discovered and identified what data currently exists, its location, form, and dynamic state, as well as who owns the data.


The discovery process helped the senior leadership gain a broader understanding of the data challenges they were facing. The client also received an actionable Strategic Roadmap for controlling and leveraging data across the company through a Data Integration Layer.

Project Attributes

  • Reduced COA
  • Increased Scalability
  • Documentation

Technologies Used

  • Not Applicable

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